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Huntington Beach Wildlife Control, Animal Trapping & Removal

714-659-6915 We run a professional wildlife removal business operating in Huntington Beach, California. We service the whole Los Angeles metropolitan area, and do much of our work in Huntington Beach. We are a full-service Huntington Beach animal trapping and removal company. We specialize in wildlife only, and are not like a regular Huntington Beach pest control company or Huntington Beach exterminator. We use humane methods to solve wild animal problems in California. We solve the root of the problem, by performing home repairs to keep animals out, and preventative measures in addition to critter trapping and removal. We offer a variety of services, from animal damage repair to waste cleanup, dead animal removal and odor control, and more. We handle several nuisance wildlife species, including squirrels, raccoons, snakes, skunks, and opossums. We also perform bat removal and bird control services, and rodent control, including poison-free mouse and rat removal. Give us a call any time at 714-659-6915 to discuss your Huntington Beach animal control issue, and to schedule a fast appointment.

Huntington Beach wildlife control tip of the month:

SARI: Hi David we are having an all out war with our squirrels in the attic. They are coming in under the eaves and above the roof Huntington Beach animal control of our bay window. We have a cedar roof and when we repair the holes they have made they chew through again within a day. The location is great for them Huntington Beach animal control but very hard for us to try and set a trap because of the tight confines. We are now moving onto chicken wire on the cedar, but unfortunately we caught one inside and Huntington Beach animal control not out. My husband and I think now the attic is empty and will retry repair and wire. This time of year, Nov. in Huntington Beach do you think there is a litter involved? Plus I was Huntington Beach animal control wondering is there a way to entice them into a squirrel house? We would make them something if we thought it would work. We have a large garage close to the house that the squirrels used before Huntington Beach animal control that was reroofed last year. That may have moved them into our house. My husband has just removed the shingle he replaced yesterday. He used cypress/ yellow cedar thinking this would not taste Huntington Beach pest control as nice as red cedar. The shingle is trimmed off a good couple of inches. From reading your article I think the repeater trap would be the best if we could get a door to the opening they make, has Huntington Beach pest control anyone tried flexible tubing? I would appreciate hearing from you and any opinion you might have on our situation. I fear my husband may blow some sort of gasket or have an ugly incident with the Huntington Beach pest control ladder. Thanks for all the information you have published on the site, Sari

DAVID:Cedar roofs are difficult. There should not be any squirrel babies in November. A squirrel house will not entice them away. Repeater traps are great, Huntington Beach wildlife removal and yes, you could rig a flexible tube to the mouth of the repeater trap - an advanced technique for a homeowne though!

SARI:Thank you so much. We are keeping our fireplace kindling well supplied as I think our squirrel is part beaver. My husband has put metal flashing Huntington Beach wildlife removal under the last repair to the bay window roof and there has not been a repeat break in there. I fear the little rodent has just found another route as we hear the sound of shredding wood in the wee Huntington Beach animal trapping hours still. This is war with my husband doing roof inspections daily and planning new ways to secure the roof. It is a relief to know that we are not sealing in babies. Our live trapped baited with Huntington Beach animal trapping peanut butter in the attic goes untouched. Thank you for your response. Cheers, Sari

DAVID: You will never trap a squirrel with a cage inside the attic. They won't go in. You need to set the trap Huntington Beach exterminator outside, probably on the roof near the entry point.

SARI:Thanks again David we will try the trap near the Huntington Beach exterminator entrance/exit site when we can fiquire out how to mount it. Cheers, Sari

To learn more about our Huntington Beach pest animal removal services, visit the Los Angeles animal trapping and removal home page or give us a call at 714-659-6915.

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